Plan P: To Be Positively Positive
Remember how your mama used to tell you, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”? Well, I’m ready to hold my tongue…literally. Yes, I just may need to grab it with my index finger and thumb and walk around like that all day long. No whispering, no mumbling, no nothing. I […]
A Committee of One
I’m currently trying to follow Edwene Gaines (The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity) 21-day challenge to fast from negativity. Honestly, it’s not going so well. When I first read the chapter in the book, I thought that it would be a cinch. Never did I imagine that I couldn’t keep negative comments from flying out of […]
Life In Bullet Points
I recently reconnected with an old childhood friend on Facebook. My girl from the hood (we just called ourselves neighbors back then) was trying to piece together the last 30 years of my life. She’d gathered some snippets here and there, but her timeline was messed up. So I wrote back to her and managed to fit the last […]
The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity (Edwene Gaines)
The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity : A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance (by Edwene Gaines) Edwene Gaines is a hoot! True confession…I only bought her book because I found it in the bargain book section while waiting for my daughter to finish her shopping at the bookstore. Sorry, Ms. Gaines. It’s so worth the full […]
The Road to Perfection: A bumpy path.
“Give yourself permission to be perfect, even with all of your seeming imperfections.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer This seems like a perfect quote to start off my blog with. Why? Well, I’ve been planning this blog for a while but assumed that whatever I wrote would have to be perfect. And I know […]
My First Post: A little more about me.
I’m so excited about my first post. I love to read inspirational books. You might say I’m slightly addicted to them. I’ve always got a good read in my car, purse or on my bedstand. I’m currently reading or rereading 4 different books at once. Crazy, huh? I know, but there are such great tidbits […]