The Road to Perfection: A bumpy path.
June 22nd, 2009
“Give yourself permission to be perfect, even with all of your seeming imperfections.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
This seems like a perfect quote to start off my blog with. Why? Well, I’ve been planning this blog for a while but assumed that whatever I wrote would have to be perfect. And I know that I’m never going to be perfect because I’m so used to being imperfect. So of course, you know where that gets you—stuck, not pursuing your dreams, and definitely not writing.
Well, what is human perfection and how do we get there? I certainly don’t have the answer for all of humanity, but for me, being perfect would just be being my best self…today. Is that a cop-out? I don’t think so. After all, I think that by nature, humans have a heavy burden. We’re born as perfect little creatures. Yes, we are. Come on, have you ever met a newborn that you didn’t think was amazing and perfectly beautiful? No one ever comes out of the delivery room shaking their heads “Wow, that kid’s got a real attitude problem.” Then we have a lifetime of growing up hearing how we’re not good enough and we need to practice, study and struggle towards perfection. This is how we see our lives. We get more addicted to the practicing and drama of the struggle and forget that our goal is to actually get back to the perfect state we were in at birth.
At some point, we might even feel so bad about ourselves that we don’t believe we deserve to get back to our perfection. Ever been in this downward spiral? I sure have, and it’s a deep ditch to climb out of. I don’t ever want to go there again (even if the saddest, sappiest song in the world is playing on the radio and coaxing me down that path). And I try to be sympathetically optimistic (if that’s even a term) with friends and family that may be inclined to go there. What do I mean by sympathetically optimistic? Well, very simply (and I’m pretty simple) I just try to find one positive thing about the situation while staying sensitive to the fact that some people just want you to sympathize with their misery.
However, even though I don’t consider myself religious, I have found for myself that having faith in your God, your Source, your Universe, Tao, Buddha or whatever you wish to call that which is greater than the human experience can be a lifeline. Remembering that we come from greatness is the best way to get back on the path of returning to our greatness….being our best possible selves. Heavy emphasis on the word “possible” here because you have to believe in possibilities that you can’t yet see or don’t yet know by personal experience.
To wrap it up, I don’t aspire to become perfect, but rather to return to the perfection that I once was before I learned, studied and practiced real hard to become someone else.
Life is good! Namaste. –Lori
Hi Lori!
I’m so glad you found my blog, so that I could find yours! I love this post. This describes human nature so perfectly, you’re really spot-on with this one! I especially love the part about nobody seeing a newborn and thinking that it “has a real attitude problem” lol. True…very true.
Thanks for visiting my site Jay. I think I got that newborn attitude idea from something Bill Cosby once said. To losely paraphrase: If babes came out as teenagers, we’d just send them right back. I have a 15-year old. I liked Bill’s joke.
Life is good! Namaste. –Lori