The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity (Edwene Gaines)

June 25th, 2009

Four Spiritual Laws

The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity : A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance

(by Edwene Gaines)


Edwene Gaines is a hoot!  True confession…I only bought her book because I found it in the bargain book section while waiting for my daughter to finish her shopping at the bookstore.  Sorry, Ms. Gaines.  It’s so worth the full price and then some. I’m now thinking that getting the book on sale was my first step towards prosperity.  Anyways, I got the book figuring that I could somehow learn and practice just 4 laws.  Didn’t seem like a complicated program.  Oh yeah?  Well, the first law is to tithe.  I won’t give away the plot here, but you can gather that giving away 10% of your hard-earned money was not what I wanted to read in the first chapter.


Like I often do when I’m reading a good book that asks you to actually do exercises and put into practice, I read it all the way through first just to see if I want to do any of the recommended work.  Well, it is a good read.  Insightful, down-to-earth and, I finally decided, worth a try.  I’m on my second read through this one, and yes, had to bit the bullet on the tithing thing.  It’s just second nature now, and actually feels good.  I haven’t noticed any adverse effects.  Ms. Gaines includes lots of good personal anecdotes in her book and relies heavily on signs from God that she’s moving in the right direction.  Well, I didn’t ask directly, but I sure took it as a sign when I found a $100 bill on the sidewalk last week.  If that’s not a clear sign from the Universe that I’m on an abundant path, I don’t know what is.  It’s on to part two of the program for me.


Life is good!  Namaste.  –Lori

2 Responses to “The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity (Edwene Gaines)”

  1. Hi, Lori,

    Thanks for stopping by the AffirmingSpirit blog and commenting about my Titing vs Charity post.

    While I use to give 10% to charity, I rarely felt good about it. The constant junk mail from charities doesn’t help, either! Six months later, I can tell you that I still feel REALLY good about tithing to sources of spiritual food. There’s more of them than you realize. The next time you get some money, and are determining the 10%—ask yourself who has uplifted you the most in the past few weeks. Then you’ll know who to give your tithe to!

    Many blessings,

  2. Nancy,
    Your comments and support are much appreciated. I hope you stop by and visit again.

    Live is good! Namaste. –Lori

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